Ulcerative Colitis
Dr. Felty is a colitis expert. She knows this condition all too well. She was diagnosed with it at 14 years old and has spent the past 19 years learning how to heal herself and manage it naturally. Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is an autoimmune, inflammatory bowel disease involving the colon and rectum. The immune system produces attacks its own stomach cells leading to leaky gut and chronic inflammation. Leaky gut is a term for gut permeability where dietary and bacterial toxins can be reabsorbed in the body and cause more inflammation. Ulcerative colitis affects the innermost lining of your large intestine (colon) and rectum. This is a severe condition and can be debilitating. Gastroenterologists may say that you can never heal from this condition but Dr. Felty has proven this theory wrong. She has been able to support other people who suffer from inflammatory bowel diseases by teaching them how to improve their situation and reverse their symptoms. Symptoms are messages from the body that you have stuff to heal. When you are ready to heal, Dr. Felty is here.
Causes​ of UC
Excessive intake of sulfur containing foods: dairy, cheese, eggs, meats, wine, dried fruits, cordials
Lack of breast feeding
Dairy sensitivity or intolerance
Sorbitol intolerance
Gluten sensitivity
Immune system malfunction: When the immune system tries to fight off an invading virus or bacterium, an abnormal immune response causes the immune system to attack the cells in the digestive tract.
Poor diet
High stress
Anxiety or Depression
Diarrhea, often with blood or pus
Abdominal pain and cramping
Rectal pain
Rectal bleeding: passing small amount of blood with stool
Urgency to defecate
Inability to defecate despite urgency
Weight loss
In children, failure to grow
Beneficial Tests
Abdominal exam
Blood tests for anemia, infection, and inflammation
Stool occult blood test
Nutrient deficiencies
Environmental Toxins - Heavy Metals
Digestive Function and Stool
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
Food Intolerance
Food Allergy
Allopathic Treatment Options
Two common anti-inflammatory medications that are prescribed for ulcerative colitis include aminosalicylates and corticosteroids. Although these medications can be effective in reducing symptoms of ulcerative colitis, they come with a number of side effects. For instance, some aminosalicylates, including mesalamine, balsalazide and olsalazine, have been associated with kidney and pancreas problems. Corticosteroids, which are given to patients with moderate to severe symptoms, have numerous side effects, including a puffy face, excessive facial hair, night sweats, insomnia and hyperactivity. More serious side effects of this type of medication includes high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, bone fractures, cataracts, glaucoma and increased chance of infection. This is why these conventional medicines and treatments are not utilized for long periods of time.
Immunosuppressant drugs are also used to treat ulcerative colitis. These medications suppress the immune system response that starts the process of inflammation in the first place. According to a study published in Digestive Diseases, the standard treatment of ulcerative colitis is directed towards inducing and maintaining remission of symptoms and mucosal inflammation.
In severe cases, surgery can eliminate ulcerative colitis, but it usually involves removing the entire colon and rectum.
Naturopathic Treatment Options
Discover the root cause to why your body is creating symptoms.
Begin with natural, non invasive solutions to support and stimulate the body to heal itself.
Support liver health to detox environmental toxins.
Removes food intolerances, food allergies, and other environmental toxins that may be impacting digestion and causing inflammation.
Address nutrient deficiencies which is vital for overall function and mood.
Rebuild and restore digestive function, the foundation of health, with herbs, vitamins, amino acids, and nutrition.
Manage stress and unresolved trauma that weakens digestion.
Support emotional health and spiritual health which are essential in overall sense of wellbeing.
Teach lifestyle adjustments unique to your lifestyle and schedule that may include exercise and other lifestyle habits. Dr. Felty looks at more than your symptoms. She provides care for your whole health. Many different factors impact your symptoms. Dr. Felty will take time to educate you and work with you to feel better
Naturopathic Counseling
Referral to other healers or practitioners relevant to your health and healing.
Everyone is unique and has different reasons why they develop Ulcerative Colitis. Good news is that everyone can improve your condition and activate your natural ability to heal. You can heal yourself and improve whatever is going on with the right support. Even if doctors have said 'it is all in your head' or that 'you can not heal'. It is not all in your head. It is in your body too and you absolutely can heal. Dr. Felty understands from healing PTSD that trauma gets stored up in the body and eventually will cause symptoms. She will show you how to release any stored up trauma in the body while removing things in your environment that irritate your body as well. She will show you how to heal yourself and optimize health. She was told that she had an incurable chronic illness that will eventually take her life. She has proven many gastroenterologists wrong. She has been medication free for more than 10 years and has cured her Ulcerative Colitis while also freeing her mind from disease.
She will teach you how to do this slowly as you achieve your desired results. In return, you will live a lifestyle that creates health rather than disease. Whatever you are struggling with, she can help. You can see her while continuing to see your primary care team. She may educate you on labwork to get, supplements to take, lifestyle changes to make, thought retraining, healing infections, healing your gut, and healing trauma. This all depends on your unique situation. Once you meet her, you will know that she tailors everything based on your experiences, symptoms, mindset, and history. She will support you as your take baby or big steps on your health journey. Whenever you are ready, she is here for you. Call her office at 872-228-1630 to schedule an appointment.